About Carl

My name is Carl and I am the founder and owner of THE HUB – I spent 22 years working for Corporate Giants – Colgate Palmolive, S.C. Johnson, and Del Monte Foods in various sales and Executive leadership roles with coaching, and people development always being at the center.
I got up one morning (actually it was many mornings) and realized just how STUCK I was. I decided that I wanted to find “THAT PROFESSION”, where I could be my own boss, make unlimited income, and have all the flexibility in the world. Don’t we all? Well I realized that I wasn’t alone. Millions of people were and are in the same place right now. I felt like the compensation package provided at my job, offered just enough satisfaction to keep my ultimate dreams and passions handcuffed. 

C.S Lewis said, “The doors of hell are locked from the inside” People choose to interpret that expression in many, many ways… to me, however, it meant that as long as I remained an advocate for the choices I made in life, despite the pain and suffering they may cause me… I would continue not only to own those choices, but also to own the results of hanging on to them. They would hold me hostage behind those locked doors. Perhaps the most insightful lesson for me, was that I was the only person that had the power to unlock the doors.. NOBODY on the outside possessed the keys. It’s been said, that once we learn something new, we can’t unlearn it.Our Brain doesn’t allow it. We can choose to ignore it, but we can’t unlearn it. I believe this is such a powerful principle in life and in coaching for that matter. The more we expose ourselves to expansive thinking, the more our brains are forced to find something to do with it.

I realized that until the pain of staying locked up and stuck was worse than the fear of letting myself out and jumping into the vast unknown… I would forever remain locked up right where I was.
Instead of doing that, I choose to bet on myself. Who better to bet on than yourself? I smashed the door open , and walked out… I could now create whatever story I wanted. For the next 17 years I built a top Real Estate Team and amassed huge knowledge in an amazing field. I worked in many Real Estate leadership roles, while maintaining a successful Team. I became an International Instructor and a very successful Real Estate Coach helping thousands of agents over the years work toward achieving their dreams and goals. In addition, I broadened my credentials to incorporate a Mastery Certification in Professional Coaching as well as a Neurological transformational coaching certification, among other designations as well. This umbrella of credentials coupled with my vast experience in the professional world, both in corporate America and as a self employed individual, allow me to work with people from all walks of life. 

I invite you to create your own change with me and attack that internal bully that is saying – you can’t do it and you can’t have it? You can!

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Don’t Complain About What You Tolerate - Take the First Step

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Don’t Complain About What You Tolerate - Take the First Step

Unlock your potential and transform your life with our coaching programs