What People Say About Carl

Luca J.

“Coaching with Carl has strengthened and fortified our ability to provide structured, tailored, and impactful training to our agents. The level of knowledge and know-how that Carl has in coaching and training is absolutely unmatched- we saw an improvement in our sales agents’ skills immediately. Carl’s approach is always from care and contribution, which sets an exceptional example of client service for our sales team. As a leader and manager, working with Carl has given me the gift of leverage! Being able to lean on Carl’s sales expertise and not having to worry about developing consistent training content has given back so much valuable time. It can be difficult to pull out all of my Lead Agent’s sales knowledge while he’s running around and focused on getting business- having Carl to fill in the gaps has been the best training leverage I can ask for.” 

Abby V.

Nate S.

“Attending BOLD Classroom Experience Coaching, led by Carl Battiste, was life changing and transformational for me. It came on the heels of a difficult transition in my life, and it gave me fuel to propel myself into a new career and experiences that opened new possibilities and led me to be able to help other people achieve their dreams. Carl has some incredible abilities to make a room of seasoned and brand new professionals and entrepreneurs alike achieve deep introspection and shatter the visible and invisible roadblocks to their own progress. In a matter of a couple of sessions into the program, I watched myself and dozens of others go from suspended skepticism to eternally grateful and tearful open-minded bliss.

There are many coaching programs and coaches to choose from, when you need guidance in business and in life. Yet, like in many disciplines, not every coach is offering the same approach. As I see it, although perfection is really unattainable and each coach has strengths and weaknesses, in all the knowledge, degrees, and coaching techniques available, there are three traits that make the coach unique and indispensable: understanding the importance of mindset, knowing to ask the right questions, and having genuine empathy. In addition to possessing all three, Carl effortlessly brings, into the winning combo, his great sense of humor, timely sensitivity, and measured intensity of driving a particular point.

Over time, I also got to know Carl as a great business leader and training designer and facilitator, which all came as a natural progression of his own growth and actualization. Time and time again, I kept hearing others praise his input and one-on-one guidance, in achieving their potential and growth as well.

In short, Carl Battiste is simply the closest to being an ideal real-life Ted Lasso of coaching.”

Mirella B.K.

Disen C.

“I met Carl about a year ago during one of our many sales meetings and coaching sessions through our real estate group. At first impression, I knew he was very knowledgeable and personable. What I want to say about Carl is how he has helped TRANSFORM my business through his mindset training. As a new real estate agent, I had no idea where to start with a new career. Carl helped me put everything into perspective and he helped me overcome a lot of my negative self talk by acknowledging, understanding and allow me to discover my own solutions through specific questioning and truly listening to my story and problems. His inquisitive ability to see through obstacles, relate on a personal level and ability to dissociate himself from the situation is what makes Carl special. Through every conversation and every interaction he has continued to make an impact on my business and mindset. He has found ways to adapt his style and coach me through many lenses. I would highly recommend Carl as a coach to anyone who wants to elevate their mindset, business and overall outlook on life. Carl is not only my coach but I consider him as a dear friend.” 

Josh L.

Jordan L.

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Bet On Yourself - Succeed on Your Terms

Unlock your potential and transform your life with our coaching programs